It’s raining talent, Hallelujah!

Global talent shortage is nothing new. It is well documented that a company’s inability to find talent for key positions will have detrimental impact on its financial well being and business value. For instance, talent shortage delays product development, cancels projects, slows revenue growth, dissatisfies key accounts and customers, etc.
But can a company learn from the ancient method of rainwater harvesting, the process of collecting rain in a catchment area, securely storing it so it doesn’t evaporate or leak out, and distributing and reusing it at a later time? Rainwater harvesting requires some early capital and time investment, but in the long run it offers financial and environmental benefits.
To ensure a healthy growth and financial profitability, perhaps it is time for companies to “shift their talent acquisition and management paradigm” and begin to treat talent like a precious commodity (rainwater) and “harvest” it through early needs assessment and talent identification, shift in sourcing methodology, effective onboarding and training, internal resource distribution and allocation, and consideration of healthy churn and attrition.
If your company is facing Talent Acquisition (recruitment), Retention, Succession and Attrition challenges, please contact ScalableHR Inc. by email, [email protected], or connect with us on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook and let us “help you optimize your financial and business value through strategic and ScalableHR services and solutions”.
We look forward to reading your insightful comments and will do our best to respond, individually or collectively. Thank you.