
My Journey: The First 40 Years

My Journey: The First 40 Years

Hurry up and ...

Being 7 years old is not easy. Case in point (I am generalizing here but I’m sure most of us deal with the lack of hours in a day in a similar fashion):

  • Children have to work with their parents’ / guardians’ (hereafter parents) schedules. For example, school doesn’t start until 8:40 but most kids are dropped off at a pre-school care at least an hour or so earlier so they can be walked to school. “Hurry up and wake up” parents say.
  • In a mad dash to get everything in order for the day, most kids are handed a quick breakfast, which they end up eating on their own without anyone to talk to. In the meantime, parents are busy preparing lunches while listening to the 24/7 traffic update hoping that their commute will be easier than yesterday. “Hurry up and eat” parents say.
  • Backpack on their backs, kids are given a quick kiss on the cheek and handed over the pre-school staff. Quick waves of a hand and off they go. They’re now our education systems problem… at least for the next 8 to 10 hours. Phew! To the other motorists, “hurry up and drive faster” parents say.
  • Although school ends at 2:40, most kids don’t get home until 5:30 or 6:00 at night. Thank goodness for the after-school care. Kids are greeted with their parents’ tired smiles at the door when it’s time for pick-up. “Hurry up and lets go; we still have to make dinner” parents say.
  • Finally, kids are home. But the pressure doesn’t end there. Wash your hands! Empty your backpack! Why didn’t you finish your lunch? Do you have any homework? What do you mean you’re not hungry? What do you mean so-and-so was mean to you? You have to toughen up! Now “hurry up and get ready for your basketball and soccer practices; just double up your uniforms so all you have to do is take the top jersey off” parents say.
  • Dinner is prepared quickly without any consultation with the kids. They are simply involved with the consumption of whatever it is that is placed in front of them. “Hurry up and eat; we’re running late” parents say.
  • Repeat the last step: Finally, kids are home. Oh, my gosh! It’s 8:30 PM. “Hurry up and take a shower; it’s way past your bedtime” parents say.

“I’m sure glad Thursday is over” kids say. Or at least I think they do.

And then we wonder why our kids don’t spend any time with us when they grow-up.

Thanks for reading,
